Rabu, 14 November 2012

UTS Mata Kuliah Sistem Digital

1. Konversikan Bilangan tersebut !

(a)        (190)10  =  (10111110)2 = (276)= (BE)16
(b)       (25,234)10 = (110001010010010)2 =  (61222)8 = (6292)16
(c)        (-20)10 = (1011)2 = (13)8 = (B)16  dengan one’s complement
(d)        (-20)10 = (1100)2 = (14)8 = (C)16 dengan two’s complement

4. Perform the arithemetic indicated, maintaining your answer in sign-magnitude form. Check your result by converting each problem to decimal and repeating the computation.

a)     (1231)4 + (1103)4 = (3000)4
b)    (135C)16  + (1103)16 = (245F)16
c)     (110101)2 – (1011)2 = (101010)2
d)    (23)4 X (31)4 = (10033)4
e)     (1766)8 – (23)8 = (1743)8
f)      (11101101)2 / (11101)2 = (1000)2

3. Convert AS Indicated

a)     (1375)8 = (1011111101)2 = (2FD)16
b)    (A1EF)16 = (1010000111101111)2 = (A1EF)16
c)     (11101)2 = (35)8 = (1D)16
d)    (237.55)8 = (11101101. 101101)2 = (ED. 2D)16
e)     (10111.1011)2 = (27.13)8 = (17.B)16
f)      (CE13.A2)16 = (1100111000010011. 10100010)2 = (147023. 242)8

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